10,000 Islands Shelling Boat Tour
Daily Tours - 8:00, 11:00, 2:00, 5:00
Naturalist Guided Boat Tour ~ 2 hrs
From $89.95 Per Person; Kids under 12 from $69.95
Private tours are available. Reservations are required.
Great for all Ages and Experience Levels

The 10,000 Islands Wildlife Refuge, adjacent to Everglades National Park, is inaccessible except by boat. Our tour, led by an experienced sheller and certified master naturalist, will whisk you to a remote barrier island within the Refuge. While barrier islands such as Sanibel or Captiva offer great shelling, these islands rarely have a footprint on the beaches.

Not only can you experience great shelling in a remote location, you will have the opportunity to see dolphin, possibly sea turtles or manatee, and a multitude of birds such as ospreys, eagles, roseate spoonbills, pelicans and the like while cruising to your island.
While shelling, learn about the nuances of tides and currents and how it affects sea life. Your captain/guide can make your tour a family learning experience.

Reservations required. Private tours are available.